Salt and Light is a ministry supported by The London Noah Trust. It was started by Michael Sookias in February 2008 principally to examine the spiritual causes of broken relationships and how by applying scripture to the situation, healing and blessing can follow.


Weekly Meetings

Wednesdays at 6:30pm

The heart of the weekly meeting is the GAMMA Series written by Mr. Sookias. It explores emotional healing through the power of the Holy Spirit. Teaching and discussions are centered on the bible and the evening concludes with prophetic prayer. The meeting starts with tea/coffee and a time for sharing what God has done since the last gathering. We then study scriptures by following he gamma series and finish the evening prating prophetically for inner change.

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Monthly Dinner

Fridays at 7pm

Every month we host a dinner, after which a guest speaker ministers, often sharing their testimony and the message God has laid on their heart. Many receive deep and precious times of prayers and fellowship after this.

The emphasis on both Wednesday and Friday evenings are prophetic prayer and inner healing.

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On a personal note Salt and light helped me to deal with hurtful issues I had buried. I was released from a lot of pain and anger and encouraged to walk in love. The meetings enabled me to confront issues and to learn to handle disputes in a more reconciliatory manner. The reminder about the love of God aided my growth and walk with the Lord. I was greatly encouraged and blessed by the constant admonishing to forgive and walk in love towards others.

Salt and Light was also a training ground and a mission field for me in that, it enabled me to use my gifting to serve others. The meetings also prepared and ushered me into my current role in full time ministry. To God alone be the glory amen.

Every blessing.


Michaels Sookias's Salt and Light dinners have helped to deepen my Christian faith. By your second visit you have joined a community, by the third you are making friends. The very personal testimonials given by the invited speakers never fail to educate, enrich, nourish, uplift and entertain. Michaels testimonials always amaze and his generosity warmth and trust are a lesson to us all.

The word of God, fellowship, laughter and joy and fantastic food. Highly recommended.

Derrick Hill

Great people, lovely atmosphere, Happy spirit and in depth bible study It is a great privilege to be a part of this group. I could scene the presence of the LORD each and every time we pray.

